Thursday, February 6, 2020

This is the way

This is the way.

Whatever comes flying your way, you are supposed to feel it ,

learn from it 
and leave it behind.

You can't fight the current of the water, you can just swim in it
 and accept that you're getting wet, but you WILL arrive somewhere,
 and that place is where you were always 
supposed to go.

Give yourself a break ❤️

Time to give yourself a break. You ARE enough, being on this low vibration planet is exhausting AF! ðŸ˜œ 
But this IS the place to learn about emotions, the good and the bad, about creativity and about community, let's accept our relatively short time here on this planet as a great learning opportunity for our soul, otherwise we wouldn't be here. 

Are you a butterfly yet?

The hardest part is that it is not our place nor right to hurry the caterpillar along to become a butterfly. As frustrating as it might be, every caterpillar will evolve on its own, when his or her time is right. Remember, everyone has the right to not knowing, to not being confronted with truths they might not be ready for.
 We can guide, but with patience. 
Listen and see if they are ready for it or not, if not, 
it is not your place to force knowledge on them. ❤️

Have a great weekend ❤️